Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tips for Creating Secure & Strong Passwords

Information technology has brought profound change to human life. Different methods are applied for the security of resources. Generally passwords are the best means for providing access to the resources. Social Networking sites, Information sites, Helping sites, Shopping sites etc. uses password encryption system for users to prove their identity. Passwords can be any strings numbers etc .So the main problem these days with the users is that they forget their passwords. Somehow for easy remembrance they put familiar words like name of father, city , last name , cell number ,DOB etc .Yeah! they are easy to guess to hackers or easy to attack with simple tools.

Doing so is like locking the door and keeping key under the doormat!.So for the creation of secure password the following 7 points are kept on mind.

1. Never use your personal information 

Never put your Name Surname, last name , Fathers name, Cell no, DOB, Nick name or others types of details associated with you.

2. Combine different characters,letters,symbols &numbers

Put symbols like !, @, $ etc. in middle or in any portion of your passwords. Eg. "!tphob!@512"

3. Make case sensative

Combine your password with case sensitive like upper case(capital) and lower case(small).For Eg. "ItPhOb!A"

4.Never use words found in dictionary

First priority of hackers is dictionary attack i.e checking for password in dictionary file.So never choose a password included in normal dictionary.

5. Change your password frequently

Change password within every 30-40 days.

6. Put your password in short form 

Like "i love reading itphobia articles". So you can use "!lr!a".

7. Use password management tools

Give a try to password management tools .

Note: Never share your email address password with any one or never login your email address in others network or devices you might get catched with  keylogger. Resetting password with the email address is too much easy.

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